Guilt Disillusioned Medic

This LIVE broadcast is centered around the theme of GUILT. It’s a familiar feeling to a lot of doctors, but in the era of COVID-19, ‘doctor guilt’ is taking particular forms… Are you self-isolating and feeling guilty for not being there for your frontline colleagues? Beating yourself up because you can’t be faster, cleverer, less […]

My blended multi-cultural self

From a point of despair, I have grown learning how to harness my wellbeing in a manner that is right for me. By focusing on important dimensions in my life, I embrace the person I was meant to be, the person I was taught to be, and supported to be. A human, a mother, a doctor, and all the other identities wrapped up, living my best life in embracing all facets of my blended multi-cultural self.

BBC News Appearance – Support and Childcare Bubbles I was delighted to be asked to join the BBC News Team to discuss the importance of Support and Childcare bubbles and how the safe use of bubbles supports positive emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.