Goal Setting | #GPReady Masterclass for First5 GPs
https://youtu.be/Ub_tnUAds-M In this short coaching session, Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee shares how you can define your goals in your day-to-day work in primary care and provides top tips on how to stay goal-oriented. This masterclass is brought to you as part of #GPReady.
Managing Imposter Syndrome | #GPReady Masterclass for First5 GPs
https://www.youtube.com/embed/uAeJD4e5_Nk?si=W_IUWoK9Y7ktvGX5 In this short coaching session, Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee (@yourwellbeingdr) discusses imposter syndrome in general practitioners, sharing how you can address, reframe and challenge doubts about your abilities as a GP. This masterclass is brought to you as part of #GPReady.
Looking after your mental wellbeing
Can you introduce yourself and tell me about your current role? My name is Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee. I am a portfolio GP, which means that I have a few part time roles and wear different hats. Essentially, I have roles in clinical medicine, leadership, advocacy and medical education. One of my roles is as […]
Webinar: Maintaining your wellbeing through Covid-19
The resources mentioned by Rachel during the webinar can be found here: shapes-toolkit.mykajabi.com/FLM-webinar-resources-toolkit-signup FMLM is curating and reviewing resources on a daily basis on our Covid-19 support web page: fmlm.ac.uk/support-in-the-time-of-covid-19 You can find out more about Dr Rachel Morris’s work here: shapesfordoctors.com/ And the You Are Not a Frog Podcast: youtube.com/channel/UCyWX729Pi6hPdCYM7laYDEA
You Are Not A Frog – Staying Positive Through Covid – Getting Back to Basics
This week, Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee joins us again to share positive psychology concepts that can help us through this pandemic. We talk about individual coping strategies and how better to support our loved ones in these difficult times. Resources Permission to Thrive membership with Caroline Walker: https://www.shapestoolkit.com/permiss… Sign up for the Vortex of Busyness […]
Conflict Disillusioned Medic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjfHFOLkL9g&t=200s This LIVE broadcast is centered around the theme of Conflict. Join us as we delve this week into Conflict – a theme no doubt familiar to many a medic. We’ll be reflecting on… External vs internal conflicts Conflict of ideals vs reality, particularly in the face of Covid-19 Co-existing with conflict and changing our language […]
Guilt Disillusioned Medic
This LIVE broadcast is centered around the theme of GUILT. It’s a familiar feeling to a lot of doctors, but in the era of COVID-19, ‘doctor guilt’ is taking particular forms… Are you self-isolating and feeling guilty for not being there for your frontline colleagues? Beating yourself up because you can’t be faster, cleverer, less […]
RCGP Perspectives – PTSD in Primary Care
#TeamGP & #RCGPTogether Perspectives are peer-to-peer conversations bringing GPs together to share perspectives on anything and everything general practice. This week, join GPs from across the UK focusing on PTSD. Link here: https://audioboom.com/posts/7611726-perspectives-on-ptsd
KUMEC Medical Education Podcast – Don’t Fight The Feelings
Ros chats with Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee, a wellbeing coach and GP about how we as doctors can begin to process the last few months. We discuss celebrating all we have coped with, self-compassion, loss and then post traumatic growth. Link here: https://kumec.podbean.com/e/dont-fight-the-feelings-1593768755/
Somerset Emotional Wellbeing (SEW) podcast – Life Lessons Learnt
In this episode, Life Lessons Learnt, our hosts Dr. Andrew Tresidder and Dr. Sarah Coope are joined by Dr. Amrita Sen Mukherjee to discuss what we can learn from her research into post-traumatic growth amongst clinicians, how psychological struggle can transform behaviours and outlooks and why it is important that we learn from experiences of […]