Who am I? A Doctor’s Identity

Practitioner Health is extremely excited to have spoken to Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee on her life, work and research covering the identity of a doctor, and how it impacts on our wellbeing as humans beings. Talking with Dr Andrew Tresidder, Amrita brings out “the human left behind” by the enforcing of a doctor’s identity. Amrita […]

Managing Conflict | #GPReady Masterclass for First5 GPs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI32FE52VrY Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee (@yourwellbeingdr) takes this short coaching session to talk through managing conflict within general practice. Why does conflict arise and how can you best equip yourself to address it? This masterclass is brought to you as part of #GPReady.

Welcome to First5 | #GPReady Masterclass for First5 GPs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gQhB–sEQE Join panellists Dr Jennie Cox, Dr Anthony James, Dr Alex Lai, Dr Amrita Sen Mukerjee and Dr Ian Wood as they discuss their experiences of life post-CCT. This interactive webinar took place on 15 September 2020 as part of #GPReady. GPReady aims to prepare and inspire new GPs launching their careers in general practice. […]

My blended multi-cultural self

From a point of despair, I have grown learning how to harness my wellbeing in a manner that is right for me. By focusing on important dimensions in my life, I embrace the person I was meant to be, the person I was taught to be, and supported to be. A human, a mother, a doctor, and all the other identities wrapped up, living my best life in embracing all facets of my blended multi-cultural self.

Coping through COVID-19 – Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee

Coping through COVID-19 – Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee In this episode Caroline continues a special series of COVID-19 podcasts supporting doctors through these emotionally challenging times.  She talks with Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee, a GP with an interest in occupational medicine, positive psychology and physician health.

Stress and Burnout as a Trainee – Dr. Aman Arora Interviewing Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilRAvo7-4CY Dr. Aman Arora Interviewing Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee. Dr Aman Arora has taught over 50,000 doctors globally through a combination of face-to-face, online, audio and social teaching, helping them pass exams such as MRCGP AKT, RCA, MSRA and PLAB. Find out more about Dr Aman and who he has worked with: https://aroramedicaleducation.co.uk/m…

Summer Wellbeing Series VLOG.

I was joined by my friend, Dr Sarah Goulding in this summer wellbeing series, where we discussed issues such as; Fatigue; Overwhelm; Conflict; Identity and Growth. Share this:

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